Still Lookin' Archieves

Still Lookin’ Intro

Still Lookin’ home movie project, Pt 2

Here is some further video tinkering from Still Lookin’. The live footage is from our July 27th, gig at the “Casbah Pavilion” at Jackson Wellsprings. Sorry about the grainy quality… but that is why we call it the “home movie” project.

More to follow in our Home Movie Project, as we get a handle on the technology… stay tuned.

Still Lookin' Plays @ Waterstone Salon for "first friday"

Still Lookin' is on the road again for Ashland's 1st Friday Artwalk. We are back at Waterstone Salon, on December 6th, from 5 to 8pm.

We see in your future... a rockin' good time! Come check it out!